A Word of Thanks

After taking a few days to let things settle and stew, the first thing I wanted to do was thank everyone who played so far.

People have been very kind and, and left a lot of useful feedback and encouraging words. Thank you!!

Thank you too to the hosts of the Game Jam! Looking at the sheer number of other submissions, it's definitely a huge event, so thank you for putting in the time to go through and play our games lol. There are a ton of fun entries out there... I'm making a personal list of my favorites!

I learned a whole bunch and even after the jam I find myself thinking about how to do things next time. But this was also one of my bigger victories on a multitude of other levels. It was me overcoming my chronic illness that usually makes working unpredictable. It absolutely thrashed the part of me that felt like I could never do something like do a game jam, let alone make a game. It got me wanting to be more active and social on the internet, and meet and work with more people (after a long time of not wanting to bother).

So I mean it with every inch of me when I say thank you. Even if you just popped by to check it out or look at this update for some reason.

I also want to look back and recognize this me keeping my promise to myself to keep going and a commitment to trying again. :)  So, hiya future me! I see you! o7

Looking forward to the next jam, and whatever comes next!

-- GrinnKitty

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